Your June Movement Schedule!

Take time to review the intentions you set earlier this year and check your aim!

We are halfway through the year and now is the perfect time to check in with your focus. This month I encourage you to review what you want to attract in your life. It’s easy to get caught up in the day to day and lose sight over what we are wanting to create. So, ask yourself…”what I am aiming for right now?” Being aimless is probably one of the worst feelings we can have as humans. Our mind and body thrive when we have a focus and goal to work towards. Your hearts desire is the gateway to joy and fulfillment. As we walk into June, now is a great time to check in and re-visit your focus. After all if you don't know where you want to go, how are you supposed to get there? Narrow the aim and commit to asking for what you want.

This month is all about creativity and finding your aim!

Recipe for happiness= a cup of gratitude + a pinch of perspective
— Unknown


The goal each month is to complete the class list below along with the 2 new videos that arrive every Monday on the platform located in the All Classes section.
The class list below compliments the theme for the month, so dive in and enjoy while you explore.

Baseline (35min)
Yoga with weights| Intermediate
Grab a yoga block (or book) and a light weight (or get creative with something around the house). Today we focus on improving the baseline of our core connection and overall strength. This class has some fun variations of my favourite yoga postures with the added bonus of some extra weight during the movements.

Upper Body Release (16min)
Gentle Movement | Beginner
A class to help you unwind tension in the neck, upper back, shoulders and chest. This is a great class to help you release stiffness after a lot of sitting or driving.

Wildly Peaceful (43min)
Flow | Advanced
”Peace lives within me”. Our practice today is rooted in the desire for peace as we use a strong flow practice to challenge the mind to stay connected to peace even in the midst of challenge.

Open Space (28min)
Flow| Intermediate
Today we work through our practice with postures that help to open the heart, shoulders and hips. Our spiritual focus today is setting the intention that you are open and willing to receive, this is a powerful way to signal the mind and collective energy around you that you are ready for abundance

Shake, Shimmy & Shine (27min)
Flow | Intermediate
Need to release some energy? This class is for you. I designed this class for the days when you feel ‘stuck’ and tired. The perfect mix for a quick fix of movement and reflection.

Release the Day (50min)
Gentle Movement | Beginner
An evening class to prepare the mind and body for rest. Grab your yoga blocks or a firm pillow to help support you in this practice.

Choosing Peace (28min)
Meditation with Carey Carty

Explore how a life given over to the purpose of Peace and the goal of remembering this peace; can turn your seemingly ordinary life into the most miraculous and sacred life!

Calm Your Nerves (30min)
Stretch & Unwind | Beginner
Being in touch with our emotional body is a huge step towards self love. When we have the ability to notice quickly that our breath isn't flowing or our body starts to tense up, we are in tune with our needs.