Welcome Gretchen!

This class guide has been designed with your specific goals in mind! 

Thank you for trusting me to help you along your movement and meditation journey. I look forward to your feedback as you take in the classes and please remember that I am here to help support you along the way. Please feel free to email me if you have any questions or would like some additional support during our 4 weeks together (carlybernardyoga@gmail.com).

During your 4 week program- you will receive an email from me every Monday with your weekly schedule. Each week will include a variety of movement classes and a meditation to compliment your experience- along with some inspiration to help focus your mind. I’ve also included some additional fun things below- a song and a podcast to enjoy if you feel up to it!

The Warm Up (33min)
Gentle Movement | Beginner
This practice is a great way to start the day or use whenever you are feeling stiff and disconnected from the body. You will need 1 block for this practice.

Calm & Collected (10min)
Guided Meditation
A guided visual meditation to help calm the body and mind. This short meditation is a perfect bite sized audio to help you drop in when you need to collect the mind and want to bring more calmness into the body.

Upper Body Strength & Stretch (28min)
Gentle Movement
A fun class that will build some warmth for the upper body. We focus on strengthening the muscles around the shoulders and creating mobility for the cervical and thoracic spine (mind + upper back). Option to amp this up with 2lbs weights or soup cans.

Recipe for happiness= a cup of gratitude + a pinch of perspective
— Unknown



Enjoy the classes as often as you’d like.

Low Back Lov’n (48min)
Gentle Movement | Beginner
A class to help relieve tension in and around the lumbar spine (low back). We work to release fascia and move from strengthening to stretching out the muscles.


Low Body Strength (17min)
Gentle Movement | Beginner
A short practice to help build strength. This class focuses on glutes, outer hips, hamstrings and core. All of these facets help to support a healthy low back.

Chair Yoga (30min)
Gentle Movement | Beginner
A gentle all levels practice using a chair to help assist in our movement. This session focuses on thoracic spine mobility as well as opening the hips.

Check In (48min)
Gentle Movement
Let's check in with the body and mind as we explore different range of motions for our hips and shoulders.

Let Go (5min)
Guided Meditation
A short meditation that guides you into surrender and the peace you feel within the body, as we focus on the breath and relaxing muscles.


Low Impact Core (25min)
Gentle Movement | Beginner
A supportive core practice that builds warmth and strength for the centre of the body. The class kicks off with some active breathwork and moves through strengthening exercises. You will need 1 block for the practice or a firm pillow.

Body Awareness (12min)
Guided Meditation
Deepen the connection with the body and what is moving beneath the surface.

Lengthen & Release (49min)
Gentle Movement
A gentle mobility class that mixes in a few longer holds to help the body receive an extra release. Grab a strap, blocks and/or bolster and pillow for a supportive experience.

Nervous System Support (20min)
Gentle Movement | Beginner
Our body knows first, it's our option whether or not we listen. The body is such a unique organism that it consistently sends us signals. Today we use breathwork and some gentle postures to help us regulate our nervous system.


Posture Reboot (15min)
Gentle Movement | Beginner
A practice to help you check in and realign the body. Today we focus on integrating the shoulders on the upper back, check in with hip alignment and ultimately feel into our proprioception.

Good Morning Movement ‘Claim Your Day’ (24min)
Gentle Strength
With complete discernment we are claiming our day today and choosing joy! This is a well rounded practice that involves core work, hip strengthening and some rinsing of the spine.

Good Morning Movement ‘Toolbox’ (16min)
Gentle Movement
There are many ways we can support our body and mind, from bouncing to body brushing to swaying and of course yoga! What better way to kick off the day then to remind yourself of all the ways you can respond when the body and mind come calling for support.

Calm & Comfortable (33min)
Gentle Movement | Beginner
Show up as you are today! Grab some yoga blocks or pillows to make your practice extra comfortable as our goal is to stimulate some healing today. You can expect some longer holds and gentle movement combos, the hope is to have you leaving the mat today feeling a little more motivated than when you arrived.


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