CBY Membership
Every month
Every year

One online membership for all your yoga and meditation needs. New classes each week, customized monthly content and inspiration.

  • Online Membership

    For all your yoga and meditation needs.

    Yoga is for everyone and every body. Whether you’re taking the first step onto the mat or committing to a deeper journey with your practice, what an exciting time! CBY classes provide strategic movement to help you ‘unwind’ from the day to day challenges that cause our body and mind to move out of alignment.

  • 1:1 Coaching

    In person & online

    A personalized movement plan to fit your unique needs and goals. Our 1:1 sessions are designed to helping you move and feel better in your body (and mind). Whether you are looking to improve range of motion in a particular area within the body, build strength, improve your athletic performance or just feel better overall this option is for you.

  • Yoga For Athletes

    Individual & group sessions are available

    These classes are specifically designed to improve range of motion and compliment the movement patterns needed to amp up your team (or individual) athletic performance. These sessions will be customized to compliment your current training program.

It’s great to meet you!

Hello! I’m Carly. Thank you so much for taking the time to get to know me. Welcome to Carly Bernard Yoga (CBY) formerly known as Hamsa Yoga.

Nothing gets me more excited than providing my clients with alignment based movement that not only strengthens the body but also the mind. It's in the unwinding of our day to day routines (too much sitting, texting, not taking a full breath, etc.) where we really learn about what our body needs and how we have the capability on our own to make it thrive. My hope is to support you along the journey and provide the necessary tools + education needed to help you feel empowered on and off the mat.

My journey with yoga started over 17 years ago. I was the student in the front row trying to compete against everyone in the class and the one who could barely sit still during the closing meditation. Since then my practice has grown a whole lot and my understanding of “good movement” has evolved greatly :) Yoga changed my life and has become more than just a practice for me. I am incredibly passionate about helping students move better and learn about the foundations of mindful living. My underlying drive as a teacher and student is to elevate all aspects of life; Mind, Body and Soul.

If you’d like to learn more about how we can work together and whether or not my teaching is a fit for you, click on “Let’s Connect!”!